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Nationwide Building Society Letting Fee


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Hi All,

I have a £250000 BTL mortgage with the Nationwide and yesterday I received a letter from them saying that on September 1st they are adding a 1.5% 'letting fee' to my mortgage. This will mean an increase in my repayments of £312 per month.

Before I get on the phone and give them a piece of my mind I'd like to know for sure if they are allowed to do this. I guess they have lawyers who have advised them it is legal but I have been through every piece of paper they have ever sent me (including the original mortgage offer) and nowhere does it say that they can introduce a charge like this.

I accept that I will have to pay more if interest rates rise, as a BTL investor that is a chance I take but interest rates would only rise by around 0.25% per month - not 1.5% in one go. Also, this has nothing to do with interest rates - it is clearly a case of them looking at my repayments, deciding I can afford to pay more and then forcing me to pay it.

If anyone has any thoughts on my best course of action I would really appreciate some advice.



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I read the story about this yesterday........Appalling isn't it? but there again this is the new face of the Nationwide.....probably the worse BS in the Country now on all fronts and I for one drew all my money and investments from them last year in protest. Their counter service is even worse!!

From what I read you can do nothing much about it but protest anyway and see what happens.


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That's disgraceful - really moving the goalposts after you've signed up and paid up. I am a N/Wide customer but have never borrowed from them though I did enquire once - for BTL don't they use another commercial company affiliated to them?

I'd start by complaining to the Financial Ombudsman or re-finance elsewhere - surely the costs would be worth it?

I think thier counter service has got worse since they went in with the Portman BS - another abysmal customer service company.


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I confirm that UCB was the one offered to me. What's in a name? - well I would not enter into any financial arrangement with a company sporting a name like The Mortgage Works.

Is it a play on words or just trying to be cool and trendy?

Call me old fashioned but I bet they drop that name quicker than Exxon did. (Think oil IsobellM.)


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