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What electric checks do we need to get?


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Unlike the annual gas check, to my knowledge it is not yet mandatory to have an electric inspection.

It might be requested, if used local authority housing.

However it would be worth having an electrical installation inspection if the wiring history is not reasonably known. This will inform of any defects requiring attention and of anything not to latest regs, for consideration. If the consumer box has fuses rather than trips you may be advised to upgrade it. This has to be done now if additions are made to the house wiring.

If you are offering any portable equipment (plugged in stuff, fires, kettles etc.) you could get these items PAT tested for earthing safety.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi, I was suggest a electrician by a friend of mine, he is based in sutton and does a very good deal. I have 4 properties that I let to students in and around the Surrey/london area so I need regular testing.Personaly I always have my places checked, as it is down to myself for there safety(as far as i'm aware) I used to pay between £150 - £200 per house (some are bigger than others) this guy does them all for £120 and does a good job. He usualy does them within the next day of me calling.

I have been told to check the NICEIC registration of some electricians and this guy has got it.

His name is james 07921296490

his company name is periodic electrical testing ltd

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I agree with all of the above. Get it checked and sleep peacefully.

This is very topical for me One of my tenants had been complaining about the amount of blown light bulbs he was experiencing. I asked my local electrician to call in and do an 'earth leakage test' - this will usually tell you if anything major is wrong.

Anyway electrician forgot to go and Thursday night I had an hysterical tenant on the phone saying that when he got in and turned on the lights they the entire building of 4 flats went black. Since all 4 flats have different fuse boards and owners I thought this unlikely. A call to National Grid pointed to the problem being in the pavement outside. They had a night without electricity.

Next morning as soon as the power was restored I asked electrician make sure he called. Tenant was still insisting that the my flat was the cause even though N Grid man told him it would not be. The NICEIC qualified electrician carried out tests and flat got a clean bill of health. It seems that problems outside the property can affect lighting inside. Of course I have heard nothing from my tenant not even a text of thanks but I do have peace of mind. Electrician made no charge.

I have even had to instruct my tenant how to turn the power back on - what did they teach 30 year olds at school?


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  • 2 years later...

Hi- I am a landord with 8 properties. I recently had an issue with my insurance company who refused to pay out for an electrical fire caused by a tenants faulty hair straightners! I couldn't satisfie the insurance company that my electrics were safe.

Simular comment to Surrylandlord above- going rate for a periodic test condition report is round about £200 so if you can get it cheaper then you will be saving money we use a company called testmyhome they use a promotional code for landlords F120 (I presume is still valid).

Hope this helps.

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