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what do you think about tenants doing this?


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We have been renting out our 2 bed flat for the last 5 years. Last year 2 women moved in. About 6 weeks later they asked if their friend could move in and use the lounge as a bedroom. We werent keen as we had never done this before but agreed as we thought they would just move her in anyway. We increased the rent slightly and got them to sign a new tenancy agreement. Anyway, fast forward a year and one of the tenants is moving out. The remaining two tenants were either offered the flat between them at a lower rent, or to keep it between 3 as they had a friend who wanted to share. Turns out this 'friend' is not known to them, they advertised and found her themselves. They have taken a deposit off her and told her the rent is £480 when it should be £390 if divided equally between all three. Looks like they are trying to make a fast buck by charging this person more. I will speak to them later, particularly about the deposit as it should be with us and not them but wanted to know what you all think. The three tenants there at the moment have always paid on time and looked after the flat. My gut reaction tells me to ask these two to leave and start again as a 2 bed flat as we have always done. I feel uncomfortable with the flat becoming a 3 bed flat share with just a kitchen as a shared reception space. Thanks.

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Nearly all AST Contracts I have seen have a strict clause about Tenants becoming sub-letting landlords themselves to provide them with income to pay the rent. It is not permitted in Law anyway as the "ghost" tenant has no legal rights no matter what has been signed as your tenants have no legal authority to advertise and claim rent and deposit on the proeprty they don't own and think also ... Property Insurance.

I have had this happen to me in the past and I don't recommend it at all.

I agree with Morticia that it does appear that you have lost control and that you need to regain the initiative again and spell out that what these two are doing is not in their contract of tenancy and it has to stop or else they leave the property.


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