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More Unnecessary Government Interference.


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The Government Announces Plans for National Landlord Register

On the 3rd February the Government announced it's intentions to regulate all Landlords through a National Register of Landlords. At the same time the Housing Minister, John Healey, announced his plan to establish a website that tenants could use to give 'feedback' on landlords.

In his statement Healey said "I'm making information about the track record of landlords available to everyone".

These are some of the main points from the report:

A national register run nationally

Compulsory for all landlords (defined as those letting a property on a tenancy agreement – this excludes leasehold, resident landlords and holiday lets)

Basic information required on registration will be name (plus date of birth to ensure uniqueness), contact address, address(es) of property for rent

No further information will be required and there will be no hurdles to registration

There will be a registration fee to cover administration costs

Registered landlords will receive a unique registration number which will be a prerequisite to key landlord activities

Failure to register will be a civil offence attracting a cash penalty

Compliance will be enforced through the two elements set out above backed up by extensive national publicity focused on both landlords and tenants

On registration, landlords will receive a “starter pack” containing information about their rights and responsibilities and helpful links to other organisations.

Similar information for tenants will also be made available as part of the Register website

Only public enforcement agencies will have access to the full data. Landlords will be able to access their data (using their unique registration number). Tenants will be able to access current or prospective landlords’ data (using the relevant landlord’s unique registration number and, therefore, only with permission from the landlord)

Landlords have already told us that they see a National Register as little more than a further tax on landlords. Landlords have already expressed their concerns about how the data contained in the National Register will be used.

But it is likely that the announcement of the website for tenants to comment on their landlord which will cause the most concern for landlords. There was no announcement of any plans for a similar website about tenants, something that many Landlords want.

One concern to us at NetRent is that according to the Government paper just 78 landlords took the time to comment directly on the Rugg Report. The Government estimate that there are over 1 million private landlords


I consider it to be against my Human Rights for anyone to comment about me without the right of reply.

Just another tax imo to prop up up this discredited Labour Government and Unelected Labour Prime Minister.


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I totally agree with your comments on this stupid idea Mel.

Any grudge bearing tenant will have a field day and we will not have the right to reply. Hasn't this government got enough mess to sort out without more social engineering?

I thought the Identitiy Card climb down was enough of an ebarrassment to make them think twice about these mad and costly schemes.

Let's hope they get the boot at the general election and that will put a stop to this.


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I totally agree with your comments on this stupid idea Mel.

Any grudge bearing tenant will have a field day and we will not have the right to reply. Hasn't this government got enough mess to sort out without more social engineering?

I thought the Identitiy Card climb down was enough of an ebarrassment to make them think twice about these mad and costly schemes.

Let's hope they get the boot at the general election and that will put a stop to this.


Not long to have you verdict - May 6th is coming up fast !

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Yes ,it's going ahead as announced by the Minister. Just another tax raising issue imo to clobber an easy target. Mealy-mouthed words as usual from the Minister about the reasons why.


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Hi Melboy

Welcome to the (OVER) regulated world of letting agents! :angry:

As you can see from my "signature" our company is a

"Licenced" NALS agent

Member of UKALA

Member of GLM

and in my own right I am a member of


NLA and


You would think that since NALS require us to have Professional Indemnity Insurance, Client Money Protection separate client accounts (and annual certification of that from our bank), plus an annual accountant's statement that the others would accept that NALS membership would satisfy their requirements. WRONG! One of the above (I will spare their blushes) has now not only asked for a copy of the PII schedule, but they want the insurance broker to sign a statement confirming it. Is this overkill by the UKALA - oops, and I said would not name them!

I fear that this is a taste of what is to come. Agents face increasing costs in time and money to satisfy these various organisations. I fear that when the Licencing of agents and landlords comes in it will, knowing this government, be a) expensive; B) time consuming and c) restrictive. I suspect that our "Licence number" will have to appear on all adverts and for landlords, it will be an offence to advertise via newsagents windows unless the number is displayed. An army of "Enforcement Officers" will be recruited and fees will be increased to cover these costs. :(

Still, we are all "greedy landlords" making a fortune out of poor deprived tenants, so we should be grateful that our properties have not been seized by the government to solve the housing shortage. :) Or have I just given them an idea?

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