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unsafe conditions


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If a tenant has signed an "as is" clause in the lease agreement and later found some unsafe areas in the home(rotting back stairs, leaky tub,floor tiles coming up,etc.) and they call the board of health does the landlord need to make repairs to bring the home into a safe environment . there are 3 children in the home and one child is disabled and needs assistance entering and exiting the house.

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Hi.....Doesn't matter what was signed initially ALL landlords have a duty of care to their Tenants and from what you are saying your items fall into that catagory especially the rotten stairs.

Do you want an insurance claim against you for injury?

We have had very many and varied questions from Landlord's over the years on every conceivable possible subject but I have never known a question like this to be asked which does make me somewhat suspicious that the question is a bit of a wind-up.


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Mel, does it not strike you that this person is from the USA? Use of the words 'tub' instead of bath and 'board of health' sound slightly out of place in our culture. Only in America as they say..............


Now you come to mention it it does certainly appear to have come from the USA. :unsure:

American Person.......we have far tighter regulations for Landlords and Tenants then you obviously have in the USA but my answer and advice still stands.


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