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Marriage breakdown - need to obtain rented property from good tenant


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Hi, I wonder if anyone has been in the same situation as me and could advise on what they did. I have a property that I used to live in with my son, it is now being rented by a good tenant, through an agency, and they have a year left on their tenancy. My problem is that my marriage has broken down and I need to take back the property, the tenant is aware of the problem and has said he will move out when he finds something suitable, but that was 6 weeks ago and things are getting unbearable for myself and my son. My family live abroad so we can't stay there, I can't afford to rent another property - so you can see my predicament - can anybody help? Thanks

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You are very much at the mercy of the Tenant who could stick with his contract until the end of it.

However, it is some comfort that your tenant appreciates your predicament and has indicated they will move out as soon as they have found another suitable property to rent.

There is not much more to be said other than you could enquire on a casual basis if they are still looking for somewhere but if your looking to take back your property by any other means than voluntary exit by your tenant then I'm afraid it's just not legally possible.


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You are very much at the mercy of the Tenant who could stick with his contract until the end of it.

However, it is some comfort that your tenant appreciates your predicament and has indicated they will move out as soon as they have found another suitable property to rent.

There is not much more to be said other than you could enquire on a casual basis if they are still looking for somewhere but if your looking to take back your property by any other means than voluntary exit by your tenant then I'm afraid it's just not legally possible.


Thanks for the reply Mel


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