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Who polices gas certificates in rental properties


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What should happen here? - block of 4 flats all rented out with different landlords who each own a quarter of the freehold.

Three landlords readily supply gas certificates using there own gas safe person but the 4th is always looking for pathetic excuses not to provide one - their boiler is in the roof space and since roofworks last year I think no gas person will look at it. This means the building has insurance issues so to speak and no amount of prodding will get this person to sort out. Their tenants are at risk and so are the rest of us.

Who polices the gas safety laws? I did try the local authority last year but they never returned my call. Not them then?

Any views welcome.


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Health and Safety in conjunction with Gasafe and the local council will get involved as well.

It is a legal requirement for the Landlord.....no if's.. no but's......no certification then expect a really heavy fine or jail in the event of a death. This landlord is just plain stupid not to have a gas certificate and his tenant should demand one, I know I would.


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I can't believe the lack of response I am getting from the horizontal staff at the HSE when they finally answered their phone. I was told to ring back in 1.5 hours because it was lunchtime - yes the civil service slackers are alive and well and we are paying for this dismal service.

They are not geared up for one landlord complaining about another - I have just been told my complaint is a 'civil matter' and to go away and consult a solicitor. They only seem to be able to act if a tenant complains about a landlord who has no gas certificate.

This is not being taken with any seriousness at all!


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Do you have any evidence that the fourth landlord has not provided their tenant with a gas certificate?

If not, I can't see how you can prosecute a case. Does the gas safety law oblige one landlord to show another landlord their certificate, I wonder?

I think you would have to persuade the affected tenant to initiate the legal action needed if they cannot produce their copy to prove that the safety tests have been done in accordance with the law.

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Hi Chestnut,

The 4th landlord has told me that they do not have a gas certificate in an email. I live about 100 miles away from the property but whilst I was there the other week I briefly met the tenants on the stairs so I know they exist. The owners daughter also lives in the flat and told me because she is on short time at work she is renting out a bedroom to help with costs.

I don't want to prosecute anyone - what a waste of money that would be. The insurance we currently have at a very reasonable price mentions that we all need to have gas certs and I keep all the gas certs because I organise the insurance - that is why I know this one has expired.

HSE did get back to me late Friday having looked up in their book what to do - they wanted more contact details for this person as they try not to write letters. The whole thing seems very disorganised to me.


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Why not take a copy of the landlord's email, post to his tenants and let them apply the pressure?

Assuming they pay their rent, they should have the clout to inform their landlord that he's breaking the law.

Inform the landlord what you've done, and why - because you need all the certificates to organise insurance, including his, presumably.

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Hi again,

Just to round this one off - the HSE contacted the errant landlord by email enlinghtening her of her responsibilities and they in turn called me this morning to say she has now got the certificate but they cannot give me details as I am not a tenant. Whatever.

The HSE do a good download on Gas Safe for Landlords if anyone less experienced is interested - shame it is not more readily available.


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