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Tenants Disappeared....


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A couple renting from me on joint tenancy have just upped and gone, taking their clothes, but leaving all furniture (sofas' beds, etc) and a months unpaid rent. The circumstances of their "flit" are under investigation by the police, and they assure me that none of the goods would be subject to any criminal proceedings.

What I need to know is whether I can legally sell these goods to recoup the outstanding rent, bearing in mind the tenants have gone without any notice, forwarding details, etc.

Any advice for a first-time landlord?

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As I understand the current law......28 days and you can dispose of the items.

You obviously have to be absolutely certain they have gone and just not away on an extended holiday.

I assume you have their deposit?


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What if the goods turn out to be on Hire Purchase?

Down to the Tenant who has done a bunk isn't it?

I would have thought that the Landlord is not responsible for storing or looking after or determining whether a defaulting Tenant who has left things behind has HP Debt.

I had a case a few years back where 2 items on loan/HP Sky Box and a DFS sofa which both were disposed of after a Month when the Tenants did a flit. As far I am concerned the contract is between the two parties concerned and not me and the company has to chase the defaulter up as indeed the utility companies and council tax office do.


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