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Gas safety changes

daniel paslowski

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I recently changed to a new Estate agent to manage my property and have a new tenant in. Got a phonecall from the agent saying that their gas man had been in to do the safety checks and apparently the brick work on the chimney breast comes out over the flue. Therefore, I will either have to have the gas fire capped or some work done to correct this.

The previous gas safety checks never brought this up. The house is only 20 years old.

has something changed recently or does anyone know of a website I can go to to check this out.



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The statutary instrument may be found here:


There must always be situations where the house construction may no longer meet current regulations for new installations - I have in the past been given an added 'defect' note for an outdated boiler flue outlet position appended to the new gas certificate, but not recently.

So long as an installation continues to meet requirements of the current safety performance tests I didn't think we had to rebuild our properties whenever the construction regulations were updated, but I could be wrong.

I would ask the agent for full details of explanation from the gas safety check and get another opinion if necessary.

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It only becomes an issue if it is a safety issue regarding gas and carbon monoxide emissions etc.

If the protruding brickwork does not endanger the installation and the current gas installation is safely installed then there is no requirement for retrospective alterations.


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