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what would u do


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What would u do if you had a tenent who was late every month with part of their rent, u had the other tenents within the house complaining he was not putting his share towards electric, food, gas , water. He would start doing bikes on the brand new carpets at 1 in the morning with his mates, music very loud. One of the other tenents is pregnant so because he isnt putting his share of electric she is having to put extra on top of her share.

but he is a friend of the family?

oh and he was doing drugs in the house.

It might seem obvious but because he is a friend of the family it is hard.

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I wish it had been a joke we did serve notice on him and he got nasty but lucky enough his dad turned up and took him away but we now have to wait the two months, so hopefully it wont mean court after.

the other tenents are well pleased cause they are fed up with keeping him and his mates in food and all. you now are going to say i am too soft but i still feel guilty cause we have known him since he has been 14 and he is 18 now and will be out on the street cause he has been chucked out of all the places the council put him in so hoping his dad will take him back. his own mum chucked him out 12 o.clock at night when it was pouring with rain he thought he was going for drive with her, when she stopped the car down some random street, stopped the car and said get out and drove off. we took him in for a while till council housed him but then ever place kicked him out and then he ended up with us again i no we had to do it, but still feel guilty.

sorry for going on abit.

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Sorry, but this young Man has bitten the hand of your friendship and help and for that he deserves everything that is or has come his way by way of eviction.

You won't want to hear this but yes, by your own admission, you are a Fool for carrying on with this person.


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how right u were, since my last post the tenent has phoned me up and threatened me saying he is going to make my life a living hell, i have registered it with the police, the other tenents are frightened of him and saying cant u get him out sooner.

i dont supose anyone knows if we can?

thanks for all advice given

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Got to check here, I think I'm wrong but when you say he ended up with US do you mean you are a live in Landlord or am I just hoping here?

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