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Death of a tenant


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A tenant has died in hospital. He was a bit of a hermit and we have not found any local relatives. His sister lives hundreds of miles away and is not interested (I will be arranging a funeral for him). When do I have the right to clear his home (the furniture mainly belongs to me) and can I claim rent from his esate until this date? If we do not find a will, his sister will inherit any money he may have (probably very little or none as he was living on benfits for many years). Any advice?

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Why are you arranging his funeral if he was on benefits? Surely it woud be more sensible to let local social services handle it and at the same time let them sort out the rent/will issue? Ths way you do not leave yourself open to critiscism or complaint from any family that might crawl out of the woodwork.

In theory I suppose you should get at least 1 months rent paid as a form of 'notice'. I'm sure the social get a lot of this and have a procedure in place so give us some feedback on what happens. I'd get on to them pronto.


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7 days is OK. A certain London Borough gave us 14 days to clear a rented house.

Swindon give hardly anytime at all before the place is cleared and re-decorated and re-let.


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