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Unsigned AST


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I have recently found out that my tenant has left the property with no notice given – I have found bills at the property for gas and electric – they haven’t been paid for some time, and now a disconnection letter has been received, back in May I contacted eh supplier (British Gas) to explain; they took the forwarding address and that was that, however I continued to receive letters at the property so contacted them again – this time they have stated I need to forward a copy of the AST, my problem being I gave the signed copy to the tenant when claiming the bond and didn’t get a copy back _ my stupidity I know I should have copied it first – I’ve been in touch with the company but they haven’t got a copy either, I don’t know what to do next other than seek legal advice – I can’t afford the costs they are £4000 and rising with disconnection and warrant fees. Have you any advice?

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I have always found BG most helpful in these circumstances.

When a tenant leaves I inform each utility of the property address, name of departed tenant, and closing meter reading so that they know that the tenant's account should be closed from that day.

I request that only any usage between tenants should be billed to me at my home address.

When a new tenant starts I again inform utilities with name and updated readings. This has prevented the embarrassment of a new tenant being disconnected after a previous tenant had been in arrears.

I have found that all utilities will take on their own debt chasing so long as they are made fully aware of the situation. Tenants' utility debts are not a responsibility of the landlord. Any letters are marked 'return to sender'.

I have never been asked for a copy of an AST in this situation.

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I have always found BG most helpful in these circumstances.

When a tenant leaves I inform each utility of the property address, name of departed tenant, and closing meter reading so that they know that the tenant's account should be closed from that day.

I request that only any usage between tenants should be billed to me at my home address.

When a new tenant starts I again inform utilities with name and updated readings. This has prevented the embarrassment of a new tenant being disconnected after a previous tenant had been in arrears.

I have found that all utilities will take on their own debt chasing so long as they are made fully aware of the situation. Tenants' utility debts are not a responsibility of the landlord. Any letters are marked 'return to sender'.

I have never been asked for a copy of an AST in this situation.

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The tenant has been there since 2006 but I dont think she has ever registered at the property - so they haven't received her details - is this why they are asking for AST??

Almost certain the reason why they are asking for an AST.

It is the Landlords responsibility or their Agents to provide details of occupancy changes and meter readings at the same time. If this hasn't been done and you cannot prove you were not living there or at least provide evidence of the fact it was someone else responsible for paying the bills then the utility companies will seek payment from the property owner. There was a recent legal case over this very issue whereby the Landlord lost his case.


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What about council tax? Was tenant registered for this or even on benefit? I would think it almost impossible for properties not to be investigated by local authorities where no CT was being paid. If property was 'empty'since 2006 you as owner would have been contacted.

If she was paying Council Tax or they were arware of tenant at that address you could send evidence of this to the gas supplier. Always send a letter - it makes them do something and is traceable and showable in court - should it come to it.


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I agree with all above. If you didn't inform BG of the start of the tenancy then they will need whatever evidence they ask for and you can give them to convince them that you are not liable.

Always send information in writing and keep a copy. (On one occasion a utility lost their copy and I had to resend to clear a confusion.)

What happened with your tenant's electricity, water, and council tax?

Who were the unpaid bills made out to?

Evidence from other utilities may help you out with BG.

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