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Is there a 'weirdo' sending strange messages on this forum?

Reiki Sue

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Just had a strange message from 'mignulikz' saying 'please help'.

Anyone else had this message? Have no idea who they are or what it is about as I haven't posted much on here.


Reiki Sue x

Yes I received the same crazy message.. I reply saying I did not understand the message.

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Anyone else had this message? Have no idea who they are or what it is about as I haven't posted much on here.

Yes, they're trying trying to direct you to a Russian adult website, but PMs do not allow the BB code

See McAfee anti-virus analysis -


As ever it's worth searching Google -


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Hi all,

This is not a real person but some software that has been designed to register forum accounts and send out automated messages.

We have identified four accounts that were set up from the same I.P - all have been removed and the I.P address has also been blocked.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Best wishes,


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