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CORGI Gas Is No More !!


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As from April 1st CORGI no longer exists so Landlords beware!

A whole new scheme comes into force with the re-registration of ALL Gas Installers/Engineers/Technicians.

New Landlord paper work is required and new rules come into force.

Please read below to keep up to date.


PS We do Landlords certificates, Boiler changes, Fires and Fireplaces, Central heating installations etc. etc. Fully registered VAT company and thoroughly professional for the Swindon and Cirencester area and a radius of around 15 miles to those area's.

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As from April 1st CORGI no longer exists so Landlords beware!

A whole new scheme comes into force with the re-registration of ALL Gas Installers/Engineers/Technicians.

New Landlord paper work is required and new rules come into force.

Please read below to keep up to date.


PS We do Landlords certificates, Boiler changes, Fires and Fireplaces, Central heating installations etc. etc. Fully registered VAT company and thoroughly professional for the Swindon and Cirencester area and a radius of around 15 miles to those area's.

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The house I used to live in, Still on the market

I had a gas hrt in the living room. I was replacing the pipe work.

Some of the existing pipe work, under the flooring, was to be removed, ease of access.

I took hold of the pipe.

At the join,

IT came apart in my hand, as soon as I touched it.

THAT work was done be a CORGI reg person. Supposed to be safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have found the same SUB STANDARD work. across all.

I Do the work Myself, THEN get it certified. I KNOW I have done the work correctly. I do not trust contractors to do the work safely.

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If that was the case then you should have reported the person who installed your pipework to CORGI who would have carried out an on site survey and then the person concerned would have been checked out by a CORGI Inspector for his last 3 jobs and if found to be dangerous his gas licence would have been revoked and he would have been struck off the CORGI register.

Having been in the business for 35 years it is rare to find bad workmanship from qualified and registered gas installers however I have seen more Cowboy workmanship than I care to recall but I have to say in every case it has been from unqualified persons doing the installations or semi skilled plumbers masquarading as CORGI registered installers, plenty of those still going around ready to rip off customers.

The Gas Laws for registered installers are comprehensive and regular checks on their work are carried out to ensure conformity.


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