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We don't seem to suffer from this bad LA practice around my location but this has been discussed quite often on the forum.

I personally would never instruct an LA that insisted on 6 month renewable fee's for doing....nothing.



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We don't seem to suffer from this bad LA practice around my location but this has been discussed quite often on the forum.

I personally would never instruct an LA that insisted on 6 month renewable fee's for doing....nothing.



But what is the differance between a agent who charges 12-15% and no renewal fees and a agent who charges a 10% and renewal fees as long as it is in the T&C AND all upfront . The L/L doesnt have to sign up to it they have a choice.

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I think this refers to Tenant Finding only fee's.

You pay, say, £450 to LA to find Tenant. 6 months later the Tenant wishes to extend the let and buried in the small print of the contract is the clause that another £450 has to be paid to the LA for the Tenant extension.

Most LA's charge the 'one off 'fee to find a tenant but it does appear in the London area, in particular, that the contracts are stating additional fees to be paid if Tenant extends beyond 6 months.


"It is as simple as that. Landlords get no added value from letting agents on 'let only' deals once a tenant has been secured. Why should they have to pick up the tab just to keep the same tenants?"

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