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Hi all

As you will know I am often around here to help with tax queries and general accountancy advice on the forum and hope that you find this useful.

However I am leaving my current employer (Target) on 5 December and will be relocating to Northern Ireland in December, starting with BDO in the New Year. I will post my new email address when I have it.

However in the meantime I will only be able to flit in and out of the forum occassionally as relocation and limited internet availability will make it difficult.

I will of course be able to answer your queries when I am back online, but you will all have to bear with me in the meantime! I have not deserted you! B)

Best wishes


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thank you for your good wishes! I here it is a lot colder there! I am sure I will settle in though.

I will be around for the rest of the week however, so if anyone has any burning tax questions, please be quick... or be patient!! (I will be back soon)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Good luck in your new job.

Used to visit NI at a time when had family working there -I really liked it ; the scenery and people really friendly, only downside was it rained a lot!

Don't know where you'll be be but be sure to see the Giant Causeway.

No doubt I'll have some tax questions as I'll be doing my tax return online for 1st time as I've missed the deadline for the year now.

all the best.

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