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Joint tenancy - marriage breakdown


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I have a couple renting one of my properties where the marriage has broken down but the husband is refusing to leave or contribute to the rent. The wife rented this property from me before the marriage and I had no problems with her at all. I have spoken to her and issued a Section 21 as we feel this is the only way he will leave the property. I am happy to continuing renting to her and give her a new tenancy agreement once the husband has left.

My issue is with the outstanding rent as he is refusing to pay any. She can pay some towards the rent and has said she is happy to do so but he is the main income earner. If she pays some of the rent, can I still issue a Section 8 which, I believe, will force him to leave sooner.

Any suggestions?

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This is definitely a case for being clear on the ground rules to both parties. A few background questions to help give you some advice:

1) whose name is the tenancy in?

2) has the initial fixed period expired?

3) are they married or cohabiting?

4) are there any children from their relationship and how old are they?


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Shame you didn't start a new joint tenancy agreement once the lady got married.

It is the Lady who should be paying irrespective of what she is telling you about her husband.

Her husband is basically a squatter now as he has no legal documentation from you to be there.

I assume she has left the property?


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