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Everything's gone wrong!


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Hello, i am new here and am having a nightmare.

My partner and i own a flat which we started renting out a couple of weeks ago. Within 3 days of the tennants going in, the fire alarms needed replacing, it was discovered the shower was too powerful for the system so kept tripping, the front door keys which we had cut didnt work, and the roof started leaking into one of the bedrooms.

We are gutted.

We spent so long getting this flat ready and completely redecorated and put in a barnd new kitchen and bathroom.

The roof is the main problem and it has taken the roofer 3 visits to fix it. Turns out, he hasnt even managed that now and its still leaking (allbeit not as bad as it was).

The tennant then rang my partner last night and had a right go at him. I can understand their frustration, but everything that has happened, we have got someone out straight away to fix whatever problem had occured. We dont want to be known as bad landlords.

The washing machine has apparently stopped working now. Its brand new and under warranty, so im not too worried about this. Someone is coming out from comet this weekend, but how can soooooo many things go wrong so soon?

Just needed to vent.......

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Not too bad then, just teething problems really.

Fire alarms, I assume you mean smoke alarms in the flat, I think battery ones cost a fiver.

Speak to an electrician about the shower, again have to assume it's a power shower, he should be able to correct this.

New keys - a few quid

Roof leaking - your building insurance is there for this, you should pay within your service charge, maybe an excess though.

I'm sure the whole lot could be sorted out for under £100.

The problem you have is you don't have anyone that you feel confident to rely on for a callout and it takes time to build up your network.

Hope it works out



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Just a few teething problems to be sorted out imo.

The washing machine could be something as simple as a fuse blown....have you checked it out?

Keys being cut I have often had them not working but they just need a polish off with an abrasive pad to remove any burrs on the metal when they were being cut.

Yes, the roof is a problem but your on the case to have it repaired......so relax.

The shower sounds like you have the wrong rated power cable installed for the shower rating OR the circuit breaker was the incorrect rating on the fuseboard.

If you explain to your Tenant that this is a refurbished flat and there are going to be some minor teething problems probably but your on the case and will deal with them quickly and efficiently as you can.


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Hi Frankie,

It is horrible when tenants have a go at you when you thought you had done your flat up to a good standard. You will have to learn not to re-act so readily to crtisicm and maybe the tenant is a bit over- anxious sussing you are a new landlord.

I agree with Selkirk - you need to build up a network of competent tradesmen and I always find saying - ' oh dear how awful for you, yes I'll get on to the plumber/electrician/roofer straightaway' calms things. For what it's worth I just put a new Bocsh washer drier in one flat and the drier bit did not work - not the end of the world but with tenant re-action you would have thought so. I gave them the warranty details and let them get on with it. That might work for you.


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Hi Mortitia,

thanks for your reply. You are right, i am probably over-reacting. The stupid thing is, when we rang comet to organise for someone to come out and look at the washing machine, the tennant had already done it (we left a file with all the appliance documents in the flat) so i cant quite understand why she was ringing to kick up a fuss about it.

I figure, if it is that bad living there, and if we are that bad landlords, then they would have moved out by now!

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Hi Frankie

you sound like my other half ...i have 32 props she has 1 flat (which i look after !!) when T rang a few weeks ago to tell her doorbell wasn't working ............it was the end of the world "thats it ...i'm selling it !!!!!" .....after 4 years of no voids........ all rent paid in time ...about £200 in repairs and no other problems ............DOH!

The Rodent

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Hello, i am new here and am having a nightmare.

My partner and i own a flat which we started renting out a couple of weeks ago. Within 3 days of the tennants going in, the fire alarms needed replacing, it was discovered the shower was too powerful for the system so kept tripping, the front door keys which we had cut didnt work, and the roof started leaking into one of the bedrooms.

We are gutted.

We spent so long getting this flat ready and completely redecorated and put in a barnd new kitchen and bathroom.

The roof is the main problem and it has taken the roofer 3 visits to fix it. Turns out, he hasnt even managed that now and its still leaking (allbeit not as bad as it was).

The tennant then rang my partner last night and had a right go at him. I can understand their frustration, but everything that has happened, we have got someone out straight away to fix whatever problem had occured. We dont want to be known as bad landlords.

The washing machine has apparently stopped working now. Its brand new and under warranty, so im not too worried about this. Someone is coming out from comet this weekend, but how can soooooo many things go wrong so soon?

Just needed to vent.......

Chill out Frankie...... have a look at the British Gas product for complete care covering all plumbing, drains, electrics, landlords gas safety certificate and white goods let alone the boiler and central heating...not a bad price to pay them either for complete peace of mind...AND tax deductable against your rental income ! ...just give your tenant their number and let them deal with it.


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