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We took a tenant in on the 1st of Dcember last year on a 6 months ast. We finally got her out yesterday with the help of a court appointed bailiff. She owes us £2600 in unpaid rent and court costs. There is a lot of damage to fix and cleaning up to do (including cleaning human waste off the fitted wardrobes in the bedroom). We took her to court on the 27th of July this year for repossesion and rent arrears. She was ordered to leave 4 days later on the 1st of August. She never left. A few days later we had the privelege of paying £95 pounds for the bailiff and a wait of 5 weeks.

This was our first tenant. She was DSS and she had a bond put up for her by the local bond guarantee scheme. Once the property is cleaned and redecorated again we really do not know what to do. We feel we cannot go through this again.

Are there any decent people out there who want to rent decent clean houses or are they all scrounging scumbags like the one we had? :angry:

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In my experience most tenants are decent people who will look after your property and pay you. I would always do a full credit reference on a prospective tenant and I'd expect them to pay for that. I'd also love to see an accredited tenant scheme rolled out nationwide. I understand that they are trying this in places like Leeds. If both landlords and tenants were accredited a lot of the misery you've experienced would become a thing of the past.

Good luck for the future.

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Hi, I agree with Paul, most tenants are ordinary decent people, what you have experienced is not unique, but you have definitely been unlucky for this to happen first time round.

As well as the advice that Paul has given, it might be worth looking at some of the insurances available to give you some protection next time round.

I know its an extremely long shot, but you might think about applying to the deposit guarantee scheme for some extra help. Depending upon how they are set up, who finances them and how they came to refer your particular tenant to you, they may be willing to make a contribution.

Good luck

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Thanks guys. I would also like to say thanks to everyone on this forum. I have been viewing it for months and I have gained valuable information to aid our cause. So much so that we have had no need for a solicitor to help us. We have worked our way through all the legislation ourselves on the way to getting our house back thanks to the guidance of everyone on here.

We are determined to turn this around and start afresh. No doubt your advice will be needed in future.


Shane and Mandy.

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Hi to you, sorry to hear all this. Maybe next time don't do DHS tenants. Although I agree some are quite fine people I would argue that you are more likely to encounter problems with them.

I would suggest using a well established letting agent and interview prospective tenants yourself. Check them out in detail, call their employer and do your homework. This is not fullproof but you need to get a handle on renters rather than sit back and expect the rent to come in - of course you may have already done this but keep going as the same is unlikely to happen again immediately.

All the best,


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Very few Landlord's escape over time without having a Scumbag Tenant to deal with. I have had 4 over 15 years which is about the average. Most Tenants are decent upright people who just want to live somewhere without any hassle but of course like everything else in life there are people who would destroy Paradise in a week given the opportunity.

I'm not sure whether DSS are any worse than private Tenants in the long run of things but my advice to any Newbie Landlord is that you must suss out the person(s) who are going to live in your property and don't faff about, if you think they are going to be a risk then don't take them on....forget the instant rent money, I would rather have an empty property than some difficult Tenant to contend with.


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dss T ..............NO gaurantor then NO deal !

and a i mean of the squeaky clean A1 variety .........

Also all systems to deal with problems should be in place B4 the T moves in :

proper referencing

G in place

admin and collection proceedures for late/non payers

should all sorted ready to go IF the problem occurs

run a tight ship and get on T case when rent is ONE day late .......If LHA, then make G aware that if LHA fails for any reason ...you will be calling upon then wih 48hrs of rent overdue for immediate payment ...................most hb failed pyms are not usually T fault but LHA .........

But you the LL will be the one to suffer for this .......

Dont be scared to threaten and use a debt collector .............i would not more allow someone to take the food from the table of my 3 and 4 year old kids than i will allow late/no payment of rent ...............as it is one and the same ...........

The Rodent

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Sorry to hear of your bad incident, I can only emphasize what's been said already you must check out a T thoroughly. I personally wouldn't have DSS again as I too have had a real nightmare in the past; however, there are lots of genuine and decent people having to use the DSS. As in everything it is the minority who spoil it, they can’t have it, usually because they are and always will be losers and spongers, all they can do is try and undermine those who are trying.


Hope this link is ok to post http://www.landlordstogether.co.uk/index.htm

This seems to be a an accredited T reference site you were referring too, anybody used it/have any comments?



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Sorry to hear of your bad incident, I can only emphasize what's been said already you must check out a T thoroughly. I personally wouldn't have DSS again as I too have had a real nightmare in the past; however, there are lots of genuine and decent people having to use the DSS. As in everything it is the minority who spoil it, they can’t have it, usually because they are and always will be losers and spongers, all they can do is try and undermine those who are trying.


Hope this link is ok to post http://www.landlordstogether.co.uk/index.htm

This seems to be a an accredited T reference site you were referring too, anybody used it/have any comments?



Yes, I had a read through and was even thinking of joining until that is I saw the registration form asking for National Insurance Number, date of birth etc........Not for me thanks I just don't give out that sensitive info. to anyone online.


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