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What is the definition of 'a tenant'


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Hi all,

This drags on from my last question about 1 flat in a block of 4 not acquiring a gas cert.

The owner ( who lives elsewhere) now denies her daughter is a tenant because she is not paying 'rent' but admits daughter is paying the owners mortgage. I assume there is no AST between mother and daughter. The owner denies she is a landlord. The owner also states that a 'flatmate or friend' living at the address and contributing is also not a tenant. Surely both flatmate and daughter are tenants and therefore the owner needs to get a gas safety certificate.

Can someone clarify that one for me before I go to Trading Standards and the Council?


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I Think that there should be a gas safety on the prop ...if owner not living at prop then clearly not "home" for her ...if not home and has fee paying "guests" as residents then she is on a very sticky wicket i think ???

If you are concerned then call private sector housing ..or even hmo team at the council...

The Rodent

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If money is changing hands, even for a mortgage, then she is a Tenant.

Tell her straight.....you are not being vindictive you are being safety conscious regarding gas in flats etc. and you have no other choice as she is not prepared to listen to a reasonable request.


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