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Necessary AST Clauses re My Deposits scheme


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Hi there,

I am about to issue an AST for the first time since the TDS regulations were introduced. I am planning to use the My Deposits scheme (despite hearing bad things about it; it's website being down; and it keeping me holding for ages when attempting to phone its premium 0871 number).

Since I have had no luck contacting them, I wondered if anyone knew what clauses I need to add to my AST contract to cover the My Deposits scheme?

many thanks


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Hi Elodie,

Well, one has to ask why you want to use My Depsosit if they sound so poor at customer service?

This deposit dilema topic was debated a couple of weeks ago on this site. Check back for views.

I like the DPS government one myself. Ideal for a first AST I would argue.


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I, too, am totally satisfied with the service delivered by mydeposits. It is important, when you secure the deposit, to provide the tenant with the details of the scheme (ie: my deposits) that has been used to protect the money. When you secure the deposit on mydeposits then they provide you with a leaflet / document that you need to give to the tenant along with the protection certificate (that both the landlord and tenant must sign).

I have not added any extra clauses into my tenancy agreements as I believe the supplementary information for tenants together with the certificate itself clearly shows that the deposit has been protected with mydeposits.


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