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Private Sector Leasing.


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This is becoming a popular method of obtaining properties from private Landlords and then renting them out by local authorities, so popular that you talk to one authority they know all about it and then talk to another nearby authority and they say they have never heard of it! lol

Have a read yourself.


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This is becoming a popular method of obtaining properties from private Landlords and then renting them out by local authorities, so popular that you talk to one authority they know all about it and then talk to another nearby authority and they say they have never heard of it! lol

Have a read yourself.


Fire doors on bathrooms ....that's a new one one me !

The Rodent

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I think this should be re-entitled 'how to upset the neighbours in one easy lesson'.

You've got to ask why are these people needing LA help? If they are elderly you might be OK but it is the human trash they bring with them that causes the grief.

With one of mine on a slightly run down estate I did this about 3 years ago. In no time there was drug dealing, thefts from local houses, abandoned vehicles all over the place. Luckily tenants did a runner after trashing house and I took property back. I got soooo much stick from the community I thought I might have to sell. Big turn around now though and I wouldn't dream of letting to LA ever again.

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