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Witholding rent for bank charges


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Hi. I'm a new landlord with a tenant leaving a property today. During the tennancy she witheld rent for almost 3 months and concequently I was charged more than the total of her deposit in bank fees for unpaid mortgage payments and direct debits missed as the funds were not in the account. Am I entitled to keep her deposit to cover some of my costs?

Many thanks for any help.


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A couple of comments.

If you tenancy agreement clearly states that there will be charges for the late payment of rent - and defines what these charges will be - then it is reasonable, in my opinion, to charge these to the tenant (by with-holding some of the deposit money) as they agreed to the terms of the tenancy at the start.

However, just because you are unable to manage the cash flow of your buy-to-let business (ie: you do not have sufficient funds to cover the mortgage etc if your tenant misses a rent payment) is not a reason to pass all of the resulting bank charges onto your tenant. You are running a business. You need to ensure that you have sufficient cash flow to cover your expenditures.

In summary, charge the tenant what they agreed to pay in the event of late rent payment - the rest of the charges are down to the mis-management of your business (by you).


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Ditto to Mark's advice, it's a good idea to keep a cushion. The tenant is no more responsible for managing your personal circumstances than you are of theirs. How long did you leave checking rent was paid on time before identifying a problem. If checked on time, it's likely you could have taken measures to avoid charges. OK, so if the rent was paid on time you wouldn't have the problem but the tenant is only responsible for contract obligaions not your personal obligation to also manage your own affairs.

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