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LHA vulnerable adult policy

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Its been a while since I last responded or made a topic

I have had probs getting the link from www.residentiallandlord.co.uk home page to the forum to work.

I just wanted to let you all know about a little known rule for new HB or LHA as now known.

Councils have to produce a vulnerable adult policy for at risk tenancies in order to prevent homelessness.

Therefore it is still possible to get new housing benefit claims paid direct to the landlord in certain circumstances.

This would apply for example if the tenant had any alcohol issues

The unassisted route usually comprises of the tenant producing a letter from a GP Social Worker or Support Worker indicating poor financial skills.

This needs to be followed up by the landlord with letters/calls.

Some councils have support services run by linked charities to provide rent bond schemes. Most of these tenancies also comply with vulnerable adult policies and therefore make direct to landlord payments.

Hope this note was of interest


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It seems there is a problem with the 'Landlords forum' link when the main page is loading - as when the page has fully loaded into the browser window the 'Landlords forum' link does work correctly.

Many thanks for bringing this to our attention, we will resolve this issue a.s.a.p.

Best wishes,


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