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Personal Injury Claim by tenants


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I am a first timer to this so please bare with me.

One of the tenants (who have no left the property - its now vacant) i let my property to has just taken proceedings out against me for an accident that happened in the house i was letting to her at the time. She claims that she fell on the wooden stairs and subsequently hurt her back and shoulder. She claims she has seen a docor and is currently going to a chiropractor for help. The letter from the Personal injury solcitors claims that i was negligent as the house was 'not fit for purpose'. they claim that as there was no stair rail, i am at fault and therfore should cover her costs. She had been there roughly a year and a half befire the accident and had not brought this to my attention before, it was only after the accident ahppened that she told me it was a hazard. The accident happened 19/1/08 and she only told me by text message 9 days later. I then placed a hand rail in the propoerty within 10 days - i was told by an employee assistance scheme that it was only flats/houses that were 15 years old or newer that it would be illegal to not have a handrail, BUT that it was a H and S issues which i would need to resolve i.e. put a hand rail in which then did. She has left me abusive messages and texts (which i have kept) but i am unsure what to do next? I have 21 days to respond to the letter from the solicitors. I have also since found out that she was in breach of her contract by sub letting the house - i have evidence of this.

Does anyone have any ideas about how to respond??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Trying her luck. Get advice from CAB. Write to her solicitor explaining that you do not accept liability and if you receive any more abusive contact from her will make a counter-complaint of harassment and have kept evidence. Check your own insurance policies first as you may be covered by them and need to follow their procedures.

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Check your Ins policy to see if you are covered ...take legal advice before responding .....open a BIG ring binder file (!) as once PI solicitors start they will drag this out for probably severl years ...

I am still trying to get rid of a claim for a T who broke her foot in a manhole (NOT) at my prop nearly 2 years ago !

Log all time calls expenses associated with the claim so you "may" be abe to counter claim ....

The Rodent

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Hi all,

Thanks for your advice. To make matters worse, i have to come clean with facts. When i first bought the place, i intended to live in it. However, i then decided to let it out (with the same type of mortgage as if for myself). In addition, the insurance i have is buidlings insurance (which has a buildings liability part to it) but was for me as if i was living at the property and NOT having tenants in it. I fear i have made a HUGE error here and am worried that if it did go to court, this would all come to light and i would be liable for her compensation and court costs (in addition to potential tax implications)

I'll read my insurance policy, but im certain i wont even be covered for this type of claim.

Any thoughts? Comments?? Advice?? Im thinking i might just stomp up the money and forget about it?

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