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Tenants have changed Gas meter


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Not too sure with this one whether it's actually a good thing or not, any thoughts would be helpful.

I have a change in T coming up and have discovered that the existing T has had a Key Gas meter installed, they charge up the key when they need too type thing. Previously they paid quarterly. They've changed this without my knowledge and I'm not sure of the implications, I believe British Gas did the work so does this mean there is possibly a contract tieing in me in for their gas now.

Should I get this changed back or let it ride?


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Not too sure with this one whether it's actually a good thing or not, any thoughts would be helpful.

I have a change in T coming up and have discovered that the existing T has had a Key Gas meter installed, they charge up the key when they need too type thing. Previously they paid quarterly. They've changed this without my knowledge and I'm not sure of the implications, I believe British Gas did the work so does this mean there is possibly a contract tieing in me in for their gas now.

Should I get this changed back or let it ride?


I have had this happen to me, it's not a problem, just annoying. All you have to do is phone the supplier and tell them what has happened and they will come and change the meter back for you ( no charge ) Having said that as I was about to do this this my new tennant said he would be happy to have gas and electric pay as you go meters. The meter may have been forced on them due to outstanding debt to the supplier, this is what had happened at my property. It is an expensive way to pay for fuel but stops them running up huge debts.

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Not many people change the meters of their own accord because it means gas is more expensive. Its more likely that they were unable to pay the bill so the gas company installed the key meter. Fine but if they are not paying thier gas what other bills are they not paying and ulimatley your rent.

Lastly when they go insit that the gas company come and reset the meter as the original debt will still be onthere being paid for by new tenants


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Good call that man - I will get it reset.

Never had a problem with the T paying rent.

I can only think they were able to budget better, surely if they were carrying a debt it would have showed up on the referencing (prehaps they got in before it appeared) - didn't do the electric though so can't work it out at all.

Something I have learnt, you must totally and throughly do the referencing and make sure the inventory is done to a high standard - do not take chances on either of these two areas. If in doubt then look elsewhere.


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