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Tenant Referencing


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Does anyone else use Rentchecks.com for their tenant referencing? I have used them in the past and been happy with the service that they have provided, however I have had a less than satisfactory experience with them this week.

I requested an Advanced Report on Sunday 4th November which was paid for at the time by debit card, the report usually takes 24 - 48 hours to be processed.

On Monday 5th I received a mail to advise that until payment was made the report would begin to be processed but the final Report would not be delivered until payment was received. I rang their offices that evening and was advised to forward my Nochex Payment Confirmation e-mail. I was then advised by mail that this would be taken forward and dealt with.

I rang again on Thursday 8th to find out what the hold up was with the report, and was told that the person dealing with it would call me back on Friday 9th – no call received.

I have checked the status of the report on the Rentchecks.com website this evening and it advises that the report has been completed and a copy sent to my email address. I have selected the ‘resend’ (several times) and have still not received a copy. I tried to ring their offices at 5.35pm, and my call went straight to voice mail, which advised that the office hours are Monday to Friday 9.00am to 6.00pm.

I am very disappointed with the level of service provided on this occasion, and it would now appear that I have to wait until Monday 12th to sort this out. I have checked my e-mail addresses and they are working without any problems, in fact I have received two mails from them this week.

I was aiming to move this particular tenant into a property, based on the outcome of the report, on Friday 16th but this is now looking very unlikely.

I just wondered if anyone else has noticed a decline in the service, or could this be a 'one off' ? More to the point are there any other recommended tenancy referencing agencies that you use, as this could be the end of the road for these guys, depending upon the response I receive on Monday!



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I must admit they have always been very professional with me. I must say though that they say the advanced report takes approx 48 hours, often this takes 4 days, so I always advise the tenant to expect it to take 4 days.

Having said that, last week I was surprised to get a report back within about 4 hours! It wasn't a priority Advanced report either, so I don't think standards are dropping, probably just a rare occasion.


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I personally do not use letting agents, they like to make out they are a necessity (Letting Agents), they are not and it is so easy to advertise/find tenants I feel there is little point in them, unless you are in a different country. So these are the only references I do.

You will probably spend more time sorting out the LA's mess than you would have doing it yourself!

And for that reason I do not use letting agents, so I'm out!

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. . . . . . . . sometimes they are right under your nose . .. . . .

depending on how short sightedly you look at the situation whether you see them or not . . . .

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See I've got a degree in Anatomy & Physiology and I can never remember learning about the 'pip'

where abouts is it Simon exactly? It sounds 'small' and 'self centred' ah yes you must have seen it in your mirror :P

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See I've got a degree in Anatomy & Physiology and I can never remember learning about the 'pip'

where abouts is it Simon exactly? It sounds 'small' and 'self centred' ah yes you must have seen it in your mirror :P

"proximal interphalangeal joints" (PIP), those between the first (also called proximal) and second (intermediate) phalanges

(fingers to everyone bar Garth the "Anatomy & Physiology" expert)

Did you get your degree with 3 packet tops of cornflakes or on ebay for £1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

would of thought you were able to tell me that !!

This assuming PIP is actually located on the human body although there was no inference or suggestion that it was or indeed is ..

More probable is :

The predicted impact point (PIP) is the location at which a ballistic projectile (e.g. bomb, missile, bullet) is expected to strike if fired.

ie putting onself in the centre of one's sights or crosshairs is probably more apt!


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The internet is a great resource simon, haha,

Now I would know these proximal interphalangeal joints as PIPJ but yes they are sometimes called PIP for short but how a Tenant would get on yours I fail to see the connection.

Although many countries cut these off if a citizen is caught stealing from others so if a Tenant were to cut yours off or 'get on them' with a big hammer for stealing their money I'd understand!!!

PIP - is also A contagious disease of fowls, characterised by hoarseness, discharge from the nostrils and eyes, and an accumulation of mucus in the mouth, forming a "scale" on the tongue. A Little like bird flu if you like.

Again I can't see the connection!

God I'm so glad you didn't say "get on my NERVES" cos that opens a whole new can of worms. :P

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oh yes my mistake, force of habit there I guess . . . .

Let me rephrase it for you . . .

Now I would know these proximal interphalangeal joints as PIPJ but yes they are sometimes called PIP for short but how a Letitng Agent would get on yours I fail to see the connection.

Although many countries cut these off if a citizen is caught stealing and / or disrepecting others, so if a Letting agent were to cut yours off or 'get on them' with a big hammer for stealing their money or disrespecting them I'd understand!!!

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Ahh i see !

Fair comment for anyone stealing, not so sure about the disrespecting tho ....bit harsh and i guess actions of a big time bully ?

Does the same "comment apply" to T who steals by virtue of non payment of rent ?

or by wrecking house and then dreaming deposit is returnable ?

If so do we all come to the J4L hammer shop !!? lol


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