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Debt Collectors


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They advise all tenants not to move unless they receive a court judgement

They examine all section docs and AST for errors and if they find one flag it up and make you reissue (giving another 2 months).

They provide free advice and will complete defence docs for tenant.

If they can pin a harassment charge they will try to get judgement in tenant favour and make you start all over again.

They a working on the premise that an amateur landlord will keep tenant rather than paying a solicitor the £1000 a time.

They feed tenants with stories such as one tenant passed on to me that a successful harassment charge resulted in the tenant winning compensation to the value of prop and were they sure that they had not suffered harassment because they can pass them on to a free solicitor no win no fee to claim their rightful compensation.

This is dangerous stuff.

As I said before don’t use DC not worth the risk


If the above is provable then NLA etc should be doing something about it ....

They a working on the premise that an amateur landlord will keep tenant rather than paying a solicitor the £1000 a time.

What LL can afford or would have any inclination to to keep a NON paying Tenant ...

No disrespect intended Oliver ..but this is


2.Very Hard to believe


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