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Urgent: Eviction Notice for landord please!


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can some please tell me what i need to do in order to write up an eviction letter.

so my tenants are due to leave on jan08 since the agreement finnishes then. they are very slack on paying the rent so i really want to see the back of them.

they said they also want to leave due to the high rent and want to move into a council house but cant get one unless i give a notice of eviction and they are delared homeless.

i just want them out now since they always make excuses up about why they cant pay rent and break parts of the house here and there. im also worried if the council pay the full rent for them they wont move out. i have tenancy agreement but what if i cant get them out after the date they should leave??

how do i go about writing this letter.?

do i need some sort of special form???

thank you.

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issue a S21 notice 2 mths b4 end of term min...if they refuse to go then you will need court order to evct them ..and prob bailiffs...Council wont rehouse until they are homeless so will tell them to stay until this happens

You can download a S21 from this site ...i think ....


can i just ask this s21 form is this what all people use to give a notice?

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Personally i dont i agree a date which luckily for me people stick to ....but if you want possession of your prop and they are being awkward this is the notice to serve ....

In the situation you are in ....re council house & eviction etc this is the correct notice to start with ....anyway ....

Mark ...over to you mate !!!!!


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If the tenants are more that 1month and 1 day in arrears write to the council (only if they are on housing benifit) and request the payment goes direct to yourself. they have to then pay you but be aware if there is a overpayment the council can ask for it back. Serve a section 21 on them as well, post one by hand and one by post and get proof of postage make sure you get your dates right very important or it will be invalid.

If they are not out at the end of the tenancy get court forms filled out straight away pay the fee and wait for hearing date. If everything filled out correctly they have no defence.

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Hi Sam.

Section 21 is definitely the correct way to get possession of your property AFTER JAN 08. Complete the form and make sure you serve it - with proof of posting and a witness if you can - by 4th November. This will give the UK postal system a couple of days to deliver the notice which means it will be served BEFORE NOV 08.

I would also call the council and threaten to go to the papers and the local media if they do not re-house your tenant by JAN 08. Say that you are going to tell the local radio station about "the tenant from hell" and how "the Council helped them to stay illegally in your property" and how the tenant owes you loads of money and the Council are helping them to do this as well.

Council hate local radio coverage - because they always come out badly and they need landlords to take HB tenants to help them with their housing shortfall and negative publicity will cause them big problems.

Good luck,


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thank you all for your advice.

just to make sure i have got this right.

i should issue a section 21 which asks them to leave after the tenancy agreement is over by jan 2008?

my tenants told me to send the letter to them personally and they will give the letter to the council but thats not the best thing for me is it?

anyway thank you with what you have replied with. :D

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The date on the S21 is CRITICAL i think most forun members assumed you meant 8th Jan Not JAN 08 please clarify...exact date on you ast ....as you CANNOT serve notice to take effect even 1 day short of 6 months.....there are a other rules as well but first please check this date and confirm..........

If it is Jan 1st then notice will have to be served a minimum of 2 months b4 this .....


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can some please tell me what i need to do in order to write up an eviction letter.

so my tenants are due to leave on jan08 since the agreement finnishes then. they are very slack on paying the rent so i really want to see the back of them.

they said they also want to leave due to the high rent and want to move into a council house but cant get one unless i give a notice of eviction and they are delared homeless.

Hi , go to Smiths or other good stationers and get a lawpack that has section 21 notice in it and fill it in and deliver it by hand (take a friend as a witness) to witnes that you have served the notice! Also take a copy of the notice for your records .The pack costs about £5.99

Serve it before 8th november but as soon as possible as it needs to be served at least two 2 months before tenancy ends ,in your case 8th january 2008.

You can also download the form from "Landlordzone "on the internet free of charge.

The form is simple and easy fill in. Hope this helps .

i just want them out now since they always make excuses up about why they cant pay rent and break parts of the house here and there. im also worried if the council pay the full rent for them they wont move out. i have tenancy agreement but what if i cant get them out after the date they should leave??

how do i go about writing this letter.?

do i need some sort of special form???

thank you.

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