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leasholder altering flat


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Hi all , the leaseholder of the flat below ours has created two studio's of a one bed flat by dividing walls ,adding doors and adding second kitchenette and a new bathroom thus creating two selfcontaining studio's. He has not asked our freeholder's permission and intends to rent them out seperately.

He eventually will ask the freeholder if he can have separate titels for the flat's and add a new door to his second studio, but not at present.

Does he need building regulations for the second bathroom?

Is he doing anything illegal ?

Any comments appreciated.

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Yes...... on nearly all counts.

Building regulations are required for new fire-doors and correct waste water/ foul water discharge from 2nd bathroom and of course not to mention the fact that the freeholder should have been informed of what was going to happen and permission sought prior to any works commencing.

If I was the freeholder I would be bloody upset at what has happened I can tell you! and I would make him re-instate the flat back to what it was.

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Yes...... on nearly all counts.

Building regulations are required for new fire-doors and correct waste water/ foul water discharge from 2nd bathroom and of course not to mention the fact that the freeholder should have been informed of what was going to happen and permission sought prior to any works commencing.

If I was the freeholder I would be bloody upset at what has happened I can tell you! and I would make him re-instate the flat back to what it was.

Thanks for your reply, I was concerned when the leaseholder showed me his conversion and I said he should ask the freeholder first but he is just going ahead with the conversion. I have told him what you said, he is eastern european and maybe does not understand fully .


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Chances are he has the same lease as you ...what does yours say about interior modifications ?


Well his lease probably does say the same as mine as they were granted all at the same time after the building was converted to flats.

quote: not to make any alterations in the design or elevation of the existing building except in accordance with plans to be previously submitted in duplicate to and approved by the Vendors surveyors (such approval not to be unreasonably witheld) whose fees shall be paid by the Purchasers.

He does know now that he should seek permissions for all these alterations but whether he will ....he will get in trouble over this in the future ....hein25

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