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6 monthly house check


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With regards notifying him, you will need to give him as much notice as you can, although this can be as little as a couple of days, sometimes 48hrs, depending on your lease. Give notice in writing. You should prepare a professional looking form, with your contact details at the top, name and address of tenant.

Then headings, such as interior, exterior, garden, whatever. Then subheadings such as hallway, kitchen, utility, bedroom 1... whatever, if you're furnished add inventory items too.

You could have a column for ticks, ie good, satisfactory, requires attention.

Then after the columns, Specific Breakages: General Condition: and finally General Comments and Recommendations for tenant: ie. clean the oven!

It seems like alot, but use a spreadsheet and print off 2, carbon paper between them (to speed up the inspection - remember to leave one for your tenant, signed and dated)and bobs your uncle! You'll have it for next time and you will appear like a no-nonsense landlord!

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Sorry to be a party pooper pugsy but shouldn't cathytiger ALREADY have an inventory to check against??

Just use a blank copy of whatever you used initially and note any differences between the 2.

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I agree with pugsy. Use a separate management report.

By all means take the inventory along as well (so that you can check what dilapidations have taken place since the inventory has been signed) - but create a separate document that is both signed and dated by yourself and the tenant.

Over the lifecycle of the tenancy you will perform multiple inspections of the property and it is good to have a record of when the dilapidations (if any) occured.

Good luck,


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That's what I said wasn't it??

Take a blank inventory and use the old inventory to check against.

You can call it a 'seperate management report' if you like but why bother producing a new form when the old one gives you exactly what you want and is a good marker!! :angry:

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if it looks like a duck . . . ..

it quacks like a duck . . . . .

It's probably a DUCK!!!! :ph34r:

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I've gotta say, my inventory form and my management report are quite different. Most importantly it spells out the areas that need attention for the tenant. It's idiot proof in other words. If I use the same form and add bits on here and there... ? won't work.

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