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Prsopective Tenant from abroad


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Hi, I have (so far) successfully self- managed my properties for the last 2 years or so, but am stuck with this one.

I have a 1 bed apartment to let. Received some interest but no takers.

Been approached by a lovely gentleman from India, who studied in London and is now taking up employment on a contract (I do need to confirm how long the contract runs) with a very large company in my town. He arrived back from India 2 weeks ago and his employer is currently paying his hotel accomodation until he finds somewhere. I'm assuming he would get a low credit reference due to his circumstances. He says he cannot open a bank account until he can prove a UK address ie tenancy agreement. His HR manager proposes to act as Guarantor. I intend to meet him and the HR manager at the place of employment. His employer reference will show he can afford the rent. I propose taking 2 months rent in advance ( I do not believe in this Governments deposit scheme so no bond).

Is there anything else I should be aware of or insist on? It all seems too easy.


nb think I may have located a niche market with the company as they employ several non-Uk citizens every year, but that's another topic :blink:

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Is there anything else I should be aware of or insist on? It all seems too easy.


As long as company is legit and HR are ok then really little to worry about.

I rented out via Agency who were retained by a hospital, property was used by consultants and their family and never an issue.

Prior to agency it was rented direct to hospital and estates lady took no nonsense from medical staff including making it clear that damage came out of their final salary, there was no void periods as they paid every month but was also a waste of NHS resources so they stopped doing it.

It was a downside but agency increased rent by 25% to more than make up for it.

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I have had loads of first generation non uk nationals many of which had difficulty with English.

The immigration employment guidelines insist on checking a national insurance number to determine if they have eligibility to work in the uk.

So long as you can verify the NI number with the employer you will have no problems.

I have found the non uk nationals to be some of my best tenants they ring me if I am late collecting the rent to remind me and never miss a payment.


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Hi Sal

Your quite right taking a bond is not worth the hassle.

However you can take a non refundable application fee to cover the expense of credit checks and referencing and the creation of a tailor made AST.

I charge £100 and no tenant has refused since April.

Just make sure that they sign to agree that the fee is non refundable on your application form and on your receipt state "application fee no refunds" as this protects your right to issue a section 21 should it all go wrong.


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Just carry on doing what your doing now.......background checking to ensure everything is legit.

It would appear from what your saying that this is a kosha application but never take anything for granted though.


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Hi all

I had an indian computer guy on a 3 month contract - 2 years ago - he is still with me now , i charged him 3 months upfront +bond - since his arrival he has brought me 9 other people who have stayed from between 3 and 12 months each ! I get confirmation from co HR each time i take a new on ..

He is here until at least xmas ...........and i will be very sorry to see him go !!!!

Same story as Oliver they CALL ME to come and get the rent !!! some of the best tenants i have ever had !

all bills paid ,prop mint ....send me some more !!

Have just taken 8 polish guys in for 3 months - they were here for the summer last year and have come back to work for 3 months again - have let them in on 1 weeks rent and no bond and allowing them to pay weekly - dont normally do this -but they were A1 last year -so have no probs doing this with people who have proven themsleves to me!

As long as co is guarantor - you should be fine !


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Hi - all paperwork checked out and all the forms signed up at his workplace with the guarantor present. She was so impressed that she will be recommending us to this gents replacement ( 12 month contracts).

So thanks for all your help - especially those that are still 'working' on here after midnight.


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