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Huge Forum Improvements !

Simon Dewsberry

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To Residential Landlord

A big thank you to the guys who run this forum

The improvements to all areas of the forum - controls - assistant - search facilities -edit features - and general versatility of the site are commendable. The "whole behind the scenes" of the the forum appears to have had a huge makeover-

Just a quick thank you to the resident and rest of the team - i big thumbs up guys - I approve !!

Every time I log in a bit more has been updated - Still discovering the new features; this forum has become an Alladin's cave !!!Good work and pleasure to be member.

Any one else noticed ......?!


Well impressed!

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Well guys you certainly have done well if Simon's impressed, haha.

Just like to say 'resident' my e-mail to you the other day regarding the content management page not working? Well it still isn't i'm afraid. I just tried to change a font colour and it's still just showing the HTML code.

Gareth :blink:

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Well guys you certainly have done well if Simon's impressed, haha.

Just like to say 'resident' my e-mail to you the other day regarding the content management page not working? Well it still isn't i'm afraid. I just tried to change a font colour and it's still just showing the HTML code.

Gareth :ph34r:

It's good to see that someone is paying attention.

Thank you Simon for all your positive comments - which of course are always welcome !!

Gareth you will be happy to learn that we have now resolved the HTML issue so you can now use all sorts of fonts, in all sorts of colours, in all sorts of styles, which should keep you busy for a while.

Thank you to all our newbies, members, advanced and senior members, not to mention our super senior members (but not our Topic Experts :P ) for keeping our forum buzzing with daily exchanges and completely up to date with everything going on in the wonderful world of buy to let.

All the best,


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you are very welcome


an ex topic expert

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Yep all the bits and pieces are now working as far as I can see.

Now guys . . . . . . . can you get it to make me a cuppa!!!!

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