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How to create a marketplace in real estate?


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Good prices are extremely hard to come by on the market. Purchasing a city results in cash in your bank. Put your bank back on the market after building it up for a while. Although it will cost you coins, this is a good way to generate a lot of money.
Typically, purchasing real estate on the open market will cost you more money than it is worth. Generally speaking, I only invest in purchasing cities, towns, villages, marinas, and sports arenas. Instead of 50 or more coins when bought outside of the market, these items cost 1 coin to bid on. Both in terms of daily rent and resale value, they will often provide you with a superior return.

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.......and don't forget, any Government can introduce legislation at the drop of a hat. It can have immediate effect and/or be retrospective, especially if it panders to public opinion &/or gains them votes. It can destroy any plans, business model, platform, service or marketplace you have developed. That's why landlords are leaving the PRS in their thousands.  ALWAYS have a plan B and an escape route......you may need it.

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