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Good monring all,

I have a property which I am about to let out, which has a toilet with a macerator. I know these are fine when they are used correctly, i.e. toilet paper used military style :-) However, since these can easily be clogged by mis-use, i.e. cotton wool buds, tampons etc, whose responsibility should it be to unclog it should there be a problem?

I would ideally like a clause to be put into the tenancy agreement stating it is the tenants responsibilty to maintain it, but I'm not sure if I am allowed to do this. Just wondered if anybody has experience in this type of thing.

Thanks in advance,


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You are responsible for any repairs but not necessarily for cost of unblocking it, unless caused thru a fault and not misuse. Make sure you give clear instructions of dos & donts to the tenant by attaching them to the inventory and asking them to sign for it.

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Hi Matthew,

So - if the toilet gets blocked you want to get the tenant to pay for the repair ... as well as pay for the rent ...... so the toilet and the macerator were installed by and belong to the tenant do they ? Of course not!

The toilet is a basic infrastructure component ... the landlord should maintain the macerator and pay for repair if it malfunctions .....

If it can be proved (this might be difficult) that the tenant has caused the macerator to malfunction due to negligent use ... then this might be grounds to negotiate with the tenant to contribute towards the cost of repair ....

However - as mentioned on a previous thread - whilst you are negotiating on "who is going to pay" - the tenant is going to be sat "crossed legged" - because they can't use the LOO !!!!

I can't believe you asked this question ... of course the landlord is responsible !


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IMO the Landlord is repsonsible if the problem has occurred through no fault of the tenant. IF they put tampons and cotton wool buds or use a whole roll of toilet tissue when going to toilet and it needs unblocking every week, I don't think I should pay for unblocking it and repairing it.

It is like a tenant pouring concrete down the kitchen sink which subsequently sets and then all the pipework needs replacing, in your opinion they could do this every week and the landlord would have to replace the pipes every week.

I agree with GPEL, put the do's and don'ts attached to the inventory, but I would not be happy to keep unblocking it if they were mis-using it.

Also it is the second toilet so they could still go to toilet :-)

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Hi people

I'm back !! been rahter busy last few weeks !!

Clear as mud this one !!-- mechanical breakdown or fault -LL

Missuse -Tenant

What is missuse - all of the things Mat has stated - and if this causes macerator to jam or even motor to burn out then T bill again

Personally i would not only put it in writing i would put a very clear notice close to the wc so that tenants (or guests have NO EXCUSES)

these things dont take much to jam them up and it is not a pleasant job cleaning them out - i know from first hand experience.

As mark has said "basic infastructure component" and should be treated as such - as my sign says "Wee Pooh and Paper - Nothing else!"


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  • 3 weeks later...

In the case of a macerator, instruct the user what should not be put into it and you should be OK.

Believe me, blockages, slow emptying etc, caused by baby liners, tampons etc are obvious, as the evidence is there when the unit is opened up for repair.

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