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Hi Everyone,

I have noticed on this forum that many of us are having trouble with tenants and other issues relating to letting your property.

I've gone through this website and they do everything from giving a condition guarantee to paying you 12 months rent up front.

I have posted the link below and they have a contact box where you can enquire, their customer service is excellent and they got things moving really quickly, following my experience I have referred friends and their experiences have been as good as mine.

I hope this is of help.
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Hi Mortitia,

As I advised in my message this is simply a helping hand.

I have seen by looking through forums like this very one that us as landlords have numerous problems with tenants & property management.

I have personally dealt with them and had a good experience, there is no harm enquiring, if your not interested then that's fine but lets not be negative.




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Let's look at the facts

1. There are always going to be landlords who have problems with tenants/ letting property.

2. There is no such thing as a one size fits all i.e. no lettings agent is capable of dealing with all potential problems, all types of tenant, all landlord requirements or in fact all of anything.

3. What works for you doesn't mean it's going to work for someone else. Everybody has different standards.

4. Professional landlords are naturally cynical with virtually all aspects of letting property......especially anything out of the ordinary.........usually based on experience.

5. Landlords have more chance of landing themselves with a problem tenant &/ or a problem agent if they don't do their homework first.

6. Any new landlord would need to work their way thru the new agent checklist to ensure the agent deals with all the many, many aspects of  their letting that they require.


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You may not be interested in this I just thought it may be of help.

You are true with what you say and not everything will work for everyone but you don't know until you try.

There is no harm in contacting someone about an opportunity as that is what this is an opportunity, I appreciate you may not agree with it/like it but its a product that does help and its hassle free.

I did it because I love an easy life.

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That's correct I'm not personally interested. I already have a local (non internet) agent who I have done business with for 15 years and am happy with them.

Your comments are not correct. Landlords shouldn't try an agent to see if it works for them. They should establish exactly what they will get and compare it to what they want. 

There are about 10,000 opportunities / lettings agents on the high streets of the UK and it's important to point out that one recommendation for one agent doesn't make them a good agent.

New landlords would do well to be diligent and  make enquiries before jumping in.

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