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HELP!!! Improving the energy efficiency of the UK's existing housing stock


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Dear all,

I am currently undertaking a Bachelor of Science Degree in Building Surveying at Sheffield Hallam University. In fulfilment of this degree I am required to research a relevant topic and produce a dissertation.

I have chosen to look into the UK's privately owned existing housing stock and methods to improve energy efficiency through refurbishments. As part of this study I am looking into the awareness and attitudes of the home owners and occupiers towards reducing carbon emissions and improving the energy efficiency of their properties.

I would be very thankful if you could complete the questionnaire (link below), answering all the relevant questions. The questionnaire should not take any longer than approximately 10 minutes to complete.


All information provided is for the sole use of this study and will be kept safe and securely stored. This is an anonymous study so please do not write your name anywhere on the questionnaire to protect your confidentiality.

I wish to thank you in advance for your time and cooperation in taking part in my research survey. I look forward to receiving your completed questionnaire.

Kind regards,

Matt :)

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As usual this survey.....along with many of the others we have had on this forum....is woefully inadequate.

* wrong questions.

* doesn't allow multiple choices for the same question.

* insufficient choices of answers.

When will we get a university based questionnaire that is fit for purpose ?



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