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Discretionary Licensing Scheme


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As far as I am aware, in spite of its name, the discretion is only on the part of the local authority not the landlord. The only scheme I know about is in specific areas of Bristol that have/ have had problems.

Sounds like an area best avoided if possible..

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The information currently available says discretionary licencing for Easton was introduced in April 2013. It is now being expanded into St George and Eastville because......'it has the poorest property and highest levels of private letting'.......

Seems Bristol council are fed up with spending ever sparse council tax income on sorting out housing problems in these areas of Bristol.

If I were a Bristol council tax payer I'd also want my money spent in the most efficient and cost effective way and not spent sorting out poor quality property & the resulting problems that can need council resources. Seems only right that the landlords should pay.......unless you can persuade me otherwise.

Is there not a landlord association, group of objectors, organisation, task force, etc who you can join to apply pressure on your local authority. Tried your local councillor, lettings agents organisation, RLA, MP etc ?

The chance of you finding someone on an internet forum with detailed knowledge or experience is at best, slim.

Good luck

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