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National Database with tenants reviews : legal and advices


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I am a landlord and own several small apartments, I had some bad experiences with my tenant that just left and I want to make sure I do everything I can to avoid this kind of problems in the future

I have searched on the net and found a database with tenant reviews where all landlords share their experiences and ratings of tenants, however usually landlords mostly add reviews for the bad tenants www.widetenantscreening.com

I just want to ask is this legal in UK?

I know in the US is legal but in the UK we have a legislation that is more restrictive on personal data , so databases of user reviews might be at the edge of the law

Please let me know your advice if is ok to add my bad tenant review there, or if he can sue me for doing it


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We used to have similar when I worked in hospitality, i.e. a databse where you could enter the details of guests who didn't pay / trashed property etc.It was very useful but it died a long time ago. I suspect for the reasons you have listed above.


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Is something like that really necessary ?

Surely if you put the effort into selecting suitable tenants by asking all the right questions, getting references and setting the right criteria you shouldn't need anything else. In addition you have the option to choose rent guarantee insurance or insist on a guarantor.

Seems like load of fuss about nothing.

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