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Legionella Risk Assessment


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I must confess, I was not aware of this until I received a letter from an agent managing one of my properties. Apparently it's been a requirement since 2013.

Under the Health & Safety Executive's, Approved Code of Practice for the Control of Legionella bacteria in Water Systems, domestic rental properties must have a Legionella risk assessment ever 2 years. Every landlord is aware of the gas safety requirements and the consequences of non compliance, but this HSA requirement (which presumably carries similar penalties for a breach) seems to have received much less attention - as evidenced by my agent having taken 2 years before writing to me!

Now what causes me concern is not so much the additional responsibility for the landlord - we need to ensure our properties are safe, but the costs involved. My agents say they've 'negotiated' a cost with suitably qualified contractors of £125 + VAT to do a risk assessment every two years. For even a relatively modest portfolio that cost soon adds up.

How do other landlords on here manage the risk and the costs involved?

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Solent...........We already have a topic on this subject and well discussed if you look back on the forum you will find the opinions of us all and a few others.

Your LA is basically talking out of his backside. You'll understand why I have used such strong language when you read the existing topic. :D

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