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What date should I put in the eviction notice?


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My tenants moved in on 1st of September last year and singed 6 month tenancy contract, ending on 28/02/2015 (from 01/09/2014 to 28/02/2015). I am just about to sever them a notice requiring the re possessing of my property. I am a were that I need to server them section 21 b as they are now in a periodic tenancy period. Their rent due date is the 1st of each month. However, they never paid on time and very month I have to make several phone calls and emails to remind them to pay.

My question is:-

Which date shall I put in the eviction notice, is it the 28th of May ?or the 1st of June?

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Just to clarify Section 21 (bee) is in the fixed term but Section 21 (a) in the periodic phase. You need to issue Section 21 4 (a).

Section 21 notice is based on rental periods. So assuming rent was demanded on the 1st of the month the end of the rental period is the last day of the month.

A Section 21 issued now and served before 1st of April will expire 'after 31st May 2015' -- make sure you write it as that and no other way.

Best way to serve it is post by Royal Mail from 2 separate post offices and get the free proof of posting certificate from the counter staff.

Have you protected the deposit and issued PI to this tenant at the outset of tenancy and when entering the periodic phase? Without this S21 will be invalid.

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Many thanks for the clarification

Yes I Have protected the deposit and issued PI twice when the tenancy started on the 1st of September and also on the 5th of March 2015, when they gone into periodic tenanacy . I learned this from the super strike case few years ago.

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From 6th April 2015 you will no longer have to worry which S21 to serve there will be just 1.

The expiry date is 2 months after service, no longer the last day of a tenancy period.

To reduce chance of confusion with the court I would use the new S21 notice, although my basic search hasn't found it yet, anyone ?

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