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Tenant has given notice


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My tenant has given me notice to leave next Friday. Is she obliged to leave on this day i.e. Can I go straight round the next day and change the locks or is she able to carry on living there regardless.

I don't think she intends to do this but given that she has decided not to pay the last 2 months rent I am quite keen that she leaves !!

Any advice would be appreciated,


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Hi Steve,

Notice to leave is simply a way of your tenant telling you of her _intention_ to leave. She has not gone until she has actually left.

If you go around "the next day" and she has not left then you will be trespassing.

The only way that you can gain possession of your property, if she does not _willingly_ leave, is through a court order.

I would advise that you arrange a time, towards the end of her last day or even early the next day, to meet her at the property to read the utility meters and collect the keys.

Best Wishes,


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