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Section 21 Notice Form N5B Help


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I live abroad and rent out a property in london (currently in country). However i served a section 21 notice on my tenants at the end if their tenancy on 31st may (tenancy started on 1st dec 2013) and expiry of notice on 4th august 2014. Are these dates correct as when i fill in form n5b i dont want judge to chuck case out if dates are wrong

Also as i normally live abroad i have looked at form n5b and you need address in this country by the looks of it is that correct? If so could i use my sons address on the form as care of?

Also on the tenancy agreements i have put my address abroad as my address but iv just read up this would invalidate the tenancy agreement as its not an address in this country and also i could not put this address on the form n5b could i again use a care of address do the court check

Sorry this is long winded but i am very confused

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/Let's go back a stage.

How was Section 21 served and on what exact date? If it was after midnight 31st May in needed to be Section 21 4 a as at that point a periodic tenancy was created. It needed to give 2 clear months notice from a 'rent due date'. So rent due 1st of month means expiry 'after 31st July' or if you missed 31/5 it will be 'after 31 August'. Not sure where you get the 4th August (or anything) from. The notice must reflect the dates of a rental period.

Where is the deposit and has PI been given to the tenants?

Yes you could give the address of your son on N5B as I am sure you will go and live there on your return to the UK -_- . Don't give the foreign address. In fact you should have given an England and Wales address on the AST as Housing Act 1988 (under which your tenancy comes only operates in E and W).

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As a footnote if a landlord doesnt supply a address in E&W to comply with s48 the tenant can legally withold the rent payments. Though it ALL become due as soon as the address is provided but it is worth noting if you ever have to serve a s8 relieing on rent arrears as in the eyes of the law it may not be owed.

I know I'm straying from the original question but also if a landlord doesnt provide a rent book when the tenancy rent is payable weekly (as per the AST) that is a criminal offence not civil.

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