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Tenant being investigated for benefit fraud


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Hi. My Letting Agent found my tenant over 5 years ago, no problems in that time. An accusation has been made of benefit fraud which the Council has passed to the Procurator Fiscal (I'm in Scotland). That was almost 3 months ago.

Does anyone know how long these cases take? My tenant has children so I was expecting a quick resolution...

Thanks in advance.

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You don't say whether your rent has been stopped in the meantime? Unlikely though I have to say in today's World.

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Your dealing with the council and they always go slooooooow on everything except when they want to chase you for non payment of council tax and then it's an immediate investigation.

The thing you need to be concerned about is if this person gets sent down then you will have no come back whatsoever in claiming back rent from the Council DWP. It's the way they operate. Stuff the landlord. I had a similar experience in 2013 but luckily my DSS tenant managed to blag his way into getting the council to pay me nearly 9 weeks of back rent. They were not going to pay me intitially and would have left me with the problem of no rent and the expense of evictIng my tenant. Never again DSS/DWP !

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