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Anybody going to the Landlord Law Conference in Bury St. Edmunds

Dave A

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Me too not going - way to far.

Should we expect a glut of BUY to Let virgins when the pension pots become available next April?

About 10 years ago I predicted the government having to change this annuity purchase lark when the majority of baby boomers started to look at what they were going to get - and that was before low interest rates.

My fear is that the pension providers will not be able to pay out the millions we have all put in - Equitable Life being a case in point now owned by HBOS.

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Good ! I hope these annuity business's get their fingers burnt. They have had it for too good for far too long.

I looked at these schemes 10 years ago and they were not that good then but just recently the rates are disgraceful and you can bet who would be the losers in these annuity schemes and it won't be the big providers.

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