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Tenancy Agreement 6 months or one year


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No obvious benefit to having 12 months other than the guaranteed rental income.

I strongly disagree with that statement.

Many leasehold properties require the freeholders permission to let. The lease often permits the freeholder to charge a fee for each new tenancy agreement. So, by choosing a 12 month AST (with 6 month break clause) the landlord only pays one set of permission fees instead of paying two sets of permission fees should they have chosen to use 6 month AST's.

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6 by preference. 12 with a break clause, but there really isn't any advantage to this as 6 monthly will renew automatically on a monthly basis at the end of the 6 month fixed period.


Hi does that mean that once the 6 monthis up that it just automatically goes to a month by month or do you have to give them a tenancy agreement again to sign thank you

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No a six monthly tenancy automatically becomes periodic at it's end unless another tenancy replaces it. Periodic refers to the length of time the tenancy is based upon, i.e. if it is based on calendar months the new periodic tenancy would be for one calendar month, and then another and so on. There is nothing either party has to do unless circumstances change. Even if you put a clause in to say that the tenancy does not become periodic, it would most likely be overruled as an unfair condition by the courts.


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