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Termination Of Tenancy-Help!!


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Please can someone help me to write or explain to me what I should do in that I have given my tenant 2 letters/Notices to give to the housing department but they keep writing back to me saying that the letters are not valid?

My problem is not the Tenant(thankfully) who is very understanding that I have sold the house and I need her to move out but the problem is the housing advisor who refuses to help the Tenant by not awarding her the proper points and says that the Termination Of tenancy is not valid in that the dates are not correct.I have given my tenant More then 2 months notices and I feel that housing advisor is just playing games with her.

My tenant is more then happy to move out but this advisor is trying to buy her "Time" and keeps saying that the dates are wrong has already been 1 1/2 months since I gave her the original Notice.

I Need Help.

Thankyou In Advance.

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Hi Geane,

It is really important that you get the dates right on the Section 21 otherwise the notice will be invalid, the court will not recognise it, your application will be thrown out and you will need to serve it all over again and wait at least another 2 months !!

It is really difficult to advise you by responding to your question on the forum. You need to get someone to take a look at the Section 21 notice that you have served and advise you whether it is valid or not. I would recommend going to Citizens Advice or to a solicitor.

The reason why the advisor is trying to buy the tenant time is because they will need to re-house them and I would guess that nothing suitable is currently available so they will either need to house them in a B&B (this can be expensive) or they get them to stay at your property (much cheaper).

The fact of the matter is that if you need to go to court to get possession the Section 21 MUST be correct. If the tenant does not give up possession willingly - you will have to go to court. Cut your losses and get professional advice NOW.

Good luck .....


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