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is this forum only privvy to landlords


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whats wrong with a tenant viewing your posts?

Nothing is wrong with a tenant viewing but whoever comments about a tenant/ landlord situation just needs to be sure or be extra careful that they are not revealing too much sensitive information about that tenant especially if a court case or legal proceedings are about to take place.

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Never mind that - one I posted on this matter has been removed! So here it is again.

Susie - think before taking to the keyboard . Tenants are very frustrating and we all have to deal with them from time to time but spouting too much info is unwise.

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Never mind that - one I posted on this matter has been removed! So here it is again.

Susie - think before taking to the keyboard . Tenants are very frustrating and we all have to deal with them from time to time but spouting too much info is unwise.

I think your comment that you believe has been removed is post #15 on the other topic started by Susie Suze Mortitia.

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