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Carpet Damage


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I have noticed what appears to be an iron mark on the living room carpet of the student house I let. The carpets throughout were new 2 mths ago, these students were the first tenants and signed an inventry / condition of furnishings log to that effect. I have not spoken to them about it yet and need to decide what to say to them about putting it right. Should I ask for full compensation to replace the carpet, or a % and leave the carpet down? I am holding a deposit from each student. The annoying thing is I provided a new ironing board for them to use.

Any advice would be welcome.

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Can be difficult to quantify. The deposit isn't there on a new for old basis regardless of the nature and extent of damage, but to reasonably compensate for replacement subject to age and condition, repair or diminuition dependant on the problem.

A judge might say that the carpet is still serviceable, a mat can be placed over the damage and unsightliness covered. £50 for lowering of inherent value and a new mat's about right but whatever you charge you need to be able to argue it if necessary. Sometimes helps to give a scale of charges as examples of the level of charges applied, before the start of the tenancy, though won't cover everything.

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Unfortunately you cannot claim the whole cost of replacement back for a small burn mark. Even if the carpet was burnt through you would be looking at an insurance claim really. You need to talk to your Students and agree a reasonable level of compensation.

I've no doubt a small rug will possibly cover the burn mark or an insert piece of carpet professionally carried out.

Annoying as it all is, it is the trials and tribulations of being a Letting Landlord.

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