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Converting to shelterd accomodation


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Hi all

Because of the increasing restrictions & running costs, we are converting our small registered care home (since 1993) of 7 units into self contained apartments to be rented as sheltered accommodation. I & my family also have our private residence which, although completely separate, is part of the same, largish building. Am I correct in assuming I can’t use an assured tenancy agreement & are there any negative consequences of this? Do I just draw up a separate tennancy agreement?

As part of our private family residence, we have a leisure complex which includes indoor swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sauna, gym & tennis court. As we use them increasingly less these days, I wanted to include limited use of these facilities as part of the deal for the new tenants (obviously reflected in the rent) but I am getting confusing information as to what I can & can’t do. I realise I have a duty of care with all that involves but will I fall foul of HSE legislation with regards to the type of facility, supervision requirements etc. The insurance company don’t seem to mind as long as we abide by the relevant legislation but can’t/won’t advise what this is; also the council inspector who I dealt with regarding our former care home is not particularly helpful & is being rather obstructive. Is this a good idea or should I just forget it as too much hassle?

Can someone advise where I can get easy access to information regarding what I would need to do to comply? Thanks in anticipation.

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